

中國醫藥大學附設醫院_台北分院_耳鼻喉頭頸外科_主任吳志賢醫師_學經歷與專長介紹 v2020-01-26



吳志賢醫師 Chih-hsien Tony Wu, MD


- 學歷 (Diploma): ---------------------------------

國立成功大學  醫學系

Medicine,  National Cheng Kung University 


臨床醫學研究所 博士班 PhD class, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine



- 現任 (Induct): ---------------------------------

中國醫藥大學附設醫院  台北分院

耳鼻喉頭頸外科  主任

Director,  Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Taipei Branch,  China Medical University Hospital





- 經歷 (Background): ---------------

美國 哈佛大學  麻州眼耳醫院  進修醫師

Fellow, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,  Harvard Medical School, USA



日本 名古屋大學醫學院 附設醫院 內耳影像學 訪問學者

Visiting scholar, Imaging of inner ear, Nagoya university hospital, Japan

台灣大學醫學院 附設醫院 眩暈症科學 基礎與進階研習

塞爾維亞 貝爾格萊德 國際眩暈醫學大會 醫學演講講師

法國  巴黎  世界耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師

韓國  首爾  國際耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師

日本 福岡  台灣日本耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師  

日本 東京  台灣日本耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師  

日本 神戶  台灣日本耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師  

台北  亞洲大洋洲耳鼻喉頭頸外科大會  醫學演講講師




- 學會 (Academy): ----------------

美國 哈佛大學 舒克奈希特耳科協會

Schuknecht Otopathology Society, MEEI, Harvard Medical School, USA

Logo_MEEI_Otopathology Laboratory

日本平衡醫學會 Japan Society for Equilibrium Research

台灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科醫學會 Taiwan Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

台灣耳科醫學會 Taiwan Academy of Otology

台灣鼻科醫學會 Taiwan Rhinology Society

台灣音聲醫學研究會 Taiwan Voice Society

台灣頭頸部腫瘤醫學會 Taiwan Head and Neck Society

台灣睡眠醫學學會 Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine

台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

台北市醫師公會 Taipei Medical Association



- 專長 (Expertise): ----------------


眩暈症 / 美尼爾病 / 姿勢性眩暈 / 前庭神經炎 / 內耳迷路炎 / 突發性耳聾 / 外淋巴瘻管 / 脊椎基底動脈循環不良 / 前庭型偏頭痛 / 腦震盪 / 小腦缺血 / 聽神經瘤 / 前庭導水管擴大症 / 顱內動脈瘤 / 老化性 / 心血管疾患性 / 新陳代謝疾患性 / 自律神經性 / 知覺性 / 心因性 / 頭暈症 / 不平衡 / 耳鳴 / 中耳炎 / 聽力障礙

2017-12 吳志賢醫師_沙龍照_手術服_坐姿.jpg

【Vertigo Special  Outpatient Department】

vertigo / Meniere's disease / positional vertigo / vestibular neuritis / labyrinthitis / sudden deafness / perilymphatic fistula / vertebrobasilar insufficiency / vestibular migraine / post-concussion syndrome / cerebellar ischemia / acoustic neuroma / enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome / intracranial aneurysm / aging / cadiovascular disorder / metabolic disorder / autonomic nerve / perceptual / psychogenic / dizziness / dysequilibrium / tinnitus /  otitis media / hearing loss


【耳鼻喉頭頸外科門診】 Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Outpatient Department

<耳科> 耳前瘻管, 耳廓外傷, 耳廓血腫, 耳痛, 耳癢, 耳流膿, 耳垢, 閉塞性角化症, 外耳炎, 耳鰴菌症, 異物, 耳帶狀疱疹, Ramsay Hunt症, 顏面神經麻痺, Bell麻痺, 顳顎關節症, 中耳炎, 耳膜破洞, 耳膜硬化症, 乳突炎, Bezold膿腫, 珍珠瘤, 膽脂瘤, 聽小骨疾病, 耳硬化症, 耳膜內陷, 耳壓不平衡, 耳咽管開放症, 突發性耳聾, 重聽, 聽力障礙, 聽力損失, 聲創傷, 助聽器, 聽力語言訓練, 電子耳, 頭暈,動暈症, 姿勢性眩暈, 耳石脫落症, Lermoyez症, 前庭神經炎, 內耳迷路炎, 內耳迷路梅毒, 多發性硬化症, 偏頭痛, 失眠, 脊椎顱底動脈循環不良症, 神經纖維瘤, 聽神經瘤, 小腦橋腦角腫瘤

<鼻科> 鼻痛, 鼻癤, 蜂窩性組織炎, 流鼻涕, 流鼻血, 異物, 鼻癢, 打噴嚏, 過敏性鼻炎, 慢性肥厚性鼻炎, 鼻甲肥大, 血管動力性鼻炎, 藥物性鼻炎, 萎縮性鼻炎, 鼻中膈彎曲, 鼻中膈穿孔, 鼻因性頭痛, 空鼻症, 鼻竇炎, 鰴菌性鼻竇炎, 鼻息肉, Aspirin三徵, 上頷竇後鼻孔息肉, 囊狀纖維化, Kartagener症, Samter三徵, 黏液囊腫, 鼻唇囊腫, 嗅覺障礙, 倒生性乳頭瘤, 鼻腫瘤, Wegener肉芽腫, 鼻涕倒流, 鼻淚管阻塞, Tornwaldt囊腫, 鼻咽脊索瘤

<喉科> 口腔潰瘍, 口腔白斑, 紅斑, 黏膜下纖維化, 口腔食道念珠菌症, Bowen病, 舌頭炎, 牙齦炎, 毛狀白斑, Kaposi肉瘤, 蛤蟆腫, Eagle症, 扁桃腺炎, 扁桃腺結石, 口臭, 扁桃腺旁膿瘍, Vincent咽峽炎, 疱疹性咽峽炎, 手足口病, 異物, 魚刺, 喉嚨癢, 顎裂, 咽炎, 喉炎, 結核性喉炎, 會厭炎, 喉乳頭狀瘤, 聲音沙啞, 聲帶炎, Reinke聲帶水腫, 聲帶溝, 聲帶結節, 聲帶息肉, 聲帶囊腫, 聲帶麻痺, 老年性聲帶萎縮, 語言障礙, 口吃, 聲門下峽窄, 咳血, 吞嚥困難, 清喉嚨, 喉嚨卡卡, 喉嚨腫, 火燒心, 吐酸, 喘鳴, 打呼, 打鼾, 睡眠呼吸中止症, 起床頭暈頭痛, 白天疲憊, 嗜睡, 記憶力差, 脾氣暴躁, 慢性咳嗽

<頭頸> 深頸部感染, Ludwig咽峽炎, 頸部腫瘤, 甲狀舌管囊腫, 甲狀腺腫瘤, 甲狀腺炎, 胸腺瘤, 鰓裂囊腫, 唾液腺結石, 唾液腺腫瘤, 混合瘤, Warthin瘤, Frey症, 腮腺炎, 乾燥症, 頸部淋巴腺腫大, Kikuchi病, Kimura病, 淋巴癌, EB病毒, 鼻咽癌, 口腔癌, 口咽腫瘤, 下咽腫瘤, 喉癌, 食道癌

<小兒> 小兒耳鼻喉, 中耳積水, 腺樣體肥大, 扁桃腺肥大, 發育不良, 生長遲緩, 哮吼, 感冒, 上呼吸道感染, 腸胃炎, 喉嚨痛, 鼻塞, 流鼻水, 咳嗽, 痰, 發燒, 頭痛, 肚子痛, 拉肚子, 流感, 全身無力, 全身痠痛, 鼻咽血管纖維瘤, 喉頭軟化症, Langerhans細胞組織球增生症, 囊狀水瘤



撰文者 Author:

2017-12 吳志賢醫師_沙龍照_白袍_手遮臉_1000x1400


Chih-hsien Tony Wu is a fellow of Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary of Harvard Medical School, an invited speaker at Vertigo Academy International and the former director of China Medical University Hospital. He passed the examination of Otorhinolaryngology Head and neck surgery specialist in Taiwan with high scores in 2014. He is a student of PhD class in clinical medicine research of graduate school now.



l, 醫學中心, medical center, 院長, dean, 主任, director, 教授, professor, 博士, PhD, 醫師, doctor, 權威, expert, 推薦, recommended, 效果, effect, 一次見效, effective, 健保, 保險, insurance, 診斷證明書, certificate, 自費, 費用, charge, 價格, price, 萬, 千, 百, 元, dollar, 檢查, examination, 門診, clinic, 急診, emergence, 住院, admission, 手術, surgery, 藥, medication, 飲食, diet, 生活, life, 運動, exercise, 上班, go to work, 注意, careful, 術後, post-operation, 恢復期, convalescence, 正常現象, normal, 不正常abnormal, 瘀青, bruise, 消腫, swelling, 發炎, inflammation, 感染, infection, 副作用, side effect, 後遺症, 按摩, massage, 疤痕, scar, 動暈症, Motion sickness, 良性陣發性姿勢性暈眩, BPPV, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, 美尼爾病, Meniere's disease, 拉莫葉滋症, Lermoyez syndrome, 遲發性內淋巴水腫, Delayed endolymphatic hydrops, 小兒良性陣發性暈眩症, BPVC, benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood, 內耳迷路震盪, Labyrinthine concussion, 外淋巴瘻管, Perilymphatic fistula, 上半規管裂損症, SSCD, semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome, 前庭神經炎, Vestibular neuronitis, 侖謝亨特症, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 梅毒性內耳迷路炎, Syphilic labyrinthitis, 脊椎腦底動脈循環不全, VBI, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, 內耳迷路中風, Labyrinthine infarction, 聽神經瘤, 小腦橋腦角瘤, Acoustic neuroma, CP (cerebellopontine) angle tumor, 自體免疫內耳疾病, AIED, autoimmune inner ear disease, 寇甘症, Cogan's syndrome, 偏頭痛, Migraine, 暈眩型癲癇, Epileptic vertigo, 新陳代謝型暈眩, Metabolic vertigo, 藥致耳毒性, Drug-induced ototoxicity 多發性硬化症, Multiple sclerosis, 神經退化性疾患, Neurodegenerative disorder, 陣發性不協調第二型, Episodic ataxia type 2, 阿諾德-奇阿里畸形, Arnold-Chiari malformation, 暈眩, vertigo, 美尼爾病, Meniere’s disease, 耳鳴, tinnitus, 喉咽逆流, laryngopharyngeal reflux, 鼻骨折, nasal bone fracture, 鼻扭曲症, twisted nose, 各種耳鼻喉頭頸疾病, various diseases of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery, 耳前瘻管, pre-auricular fistula, 耳廓外傷, auricular trauma, 耳廓血腫, othematoma, 耳痛, otalgia, 耳癢, auricular itching, 耳流膿, purulent ear discharge, 耳垢, cerumen, 閉塞性角化症, keratosis obturans, 外耳炎, otitis externa, 耳鰴菌症, otomycosis, 異物, FB in ear, 耳帶狀疱疹, herpes zoster oticus, Ramsay Hunt症, 顏面神經麻痺, facial palsy, Bell麻痺, 顳顎關節症, TM joint disorder, 中耳炎, otitis media, 耳膜破洞, perforation of tympanic membrane, 耳膜硬化症, tympanosclerosis, 乳突炎, mastoiditis, Bezold膿腫, abscess, 珍珠瘤, cholesteatoma, 膽脂瘤, 聽小骨疾病, ossicular chain disorder, 耳硬化症, otosclerosis, 耳膜內陷, retracted tympanic membrane, 耳壓不平衡, tympanic pressure imbalance, 耳咽管開放症, e-tube patulus, 突發性耳聾, sudden sensorineural hearing loss, 重聽, 聽力障礙, 聽力損失, 聲創傷, acoustic trauma, 助聽器, hearing aid, 聽力語言訓練, 電子耳, cochlear implant, 頭暈, dizziness, 動暈症, motion sickness, 姿勢性暈眩, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, 耳石脫落症, Lermoyez症, 前庭神經炎, vestibular neuronitis, 內耳迷路炎, labyrinthitis, 內耳迷路梅毒, syphilis of labyrinth, 多發性硬化症, multiple sclerosis, 偏頭痛, migraine, 失眠, insomnia, 脊椎顱底動脈循環不良症, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, 神經纖維瘤, neurofibromatosis, 聽神經瘤, acoustic neuroma, 小腦橋腦角腫瘤, cerebellopontine angle tumor, 鼻痛, nasal pain, 鼻癤, nasal vestibular furuncle, 蜂窩性組織炎, cellulitis, 流鼻涕, purulent rhinorrhea, 流鼻血, epistaxis, 異物, FB in nose, 鼻癢, nasal itching, 打噴嚏, sneezing, 過敏性鼻炎, allergic rhinitis, 慢性肥厚性鼻炎, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, 鼻甲肥大, hypertrophy of nasal turbinate, 血管動力性鼻炎, vasomotor rhinitis, 藥物性鼻炎, rhinitis medicamentosa, 萎縮性鼻炎, atrophic rhinitis, 鼻中膈彎曲deviated nasal septum, 鼻中膈穿孔, perforation of nasal septum, 鼻因性頭痛, rhinogenic headache, 空鼻症, empty nose syndrome, 鼻竇炎, rhinosinusitis, 鰴菌性鼻竇炎, fungal, 鼻息肉, nasal polyp, Aspirin三徵, triad, 上頷竇後鼻孔息肉, choncal troanal polyp, 囊狀纖維化, cystic fibrosis, Kartagener症, Samter三徵, triad, 黏液囊腫, mucocele, 鼻唇囊腫nasolabial cyst, 嗅覺障礙, olfactory disorder, 倒生性乳頭瘤, inverted papilloa, 鼻腫瘤, nasal tumor, Wegener肉芽腫, granuloma, 鼻涕倒流, postnasal drip, 鼻淚管阻塞, obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, Tornwaldt囊腫, cyst, 鼻咽脊索瘤, chordoma, 口腔潰瘍, oral ulcer, 口腔白斑, oral leukoprekia, 紅斑, red spot, 黏膜下纖維化, submucosal fibrosis, 口腔食道念珠菌症, oral thrush, Bowen病, 舌頭炎, glossitis, 牙齦炎, gingivitis, 毛狀白斑, hairy leukoplakia, Kaposi肉瘤, sarcoma, 蛤蟆腫, ranula, Eagle症, 扁桃腺炎, tonsillitis, 扁桃腺結石, tonsolith, 口臭, halitosis, 扁桃腺旁膿瘍, peritonsillar abscess, Vincent咽峽炎, angina, 疱疹性咽峽炎, herpangina, 手足口病, HMF disease, 異物, FB, 魚刺, fish bone, 喉嚨癢, itching throat, 顎裂, cleft palate, 咽炎, pharyngitis, 喉炎, laryngitis, 結核性喉炎, tuberculus, 會厭炎, epiglottitis, 喉乳頭狀瘤, laryngeal papilloma, 聲音沙啞, hoarseness, 聲帶炎, vocal corditis, Reinke聲帶水腫, edema, 聲帶溝, sulcus vocalis, 聲帶結節, nodule, 聲帶息肉, polyp, 聲帶囊腫, cyst, 聲帶麻痺, paralysis, 老年性聲帶萎縮, presbylaryngis, 語言障礙, speech, language, 口吃, stutter, 聲門下峽窄, subglottic stenosis, 咳血, hemoptysis, 吞嚥困難, dysphagia, 清喉嚨, throat cleaning, 喉嚨卡卡, throat globus sensation, 喉嚨腫, throat swelling, 火燒心, heart burn, 吐酸, acid regurgitation, 喘鳴, stridor, 打呼, snoring, 打鼾, 睡眠呼吸中止症, sleep apnea, 起床頭暈頭痛, headache, 白天疲憊, malaise, 嗜睡, drowsiness, 記憶力差, poor memory, 脾氣暴躁, short temper, 慢性咳嗽, chronic cough, 深頸部感染, deep neck infection, Ludwig咽峽炎, 頸部腫瘤, neck mass, 甲狀舌管囊腫, thyroglossal duct cyst, 甲狀腺腫瘤, thyroid tumor, 甲狀腺炎, thyroditis, 胸腺瘤, thymoma, 鰓裂囊腫, branchial cleft cyst, 唾液腺結石, sialolithiasis, 唾液腺腫瘤, salivary gland tumor, 混合瘤, mixed, Warthin瘤, Frey症, 腮腺炎, mump, 乾燥症, sjorgren, 頸部淋巴腺腫大, enlargement of neck lymph node, Kikuchi病, Kimura病, 淋巴癌, lymphoma, EB病毒, EB virus, 鼻咽癌, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 口腔癌, oral cancer, 口咽腫瘤, oropharyngeal, 下咽腫瘤, hypopharyngeal, 喉癌, laryngeal, 食道癌, esophageal, 小兒耳鼻喉, pediatric, 中耳積水, middle ear effusion, 腺樣體肥大, adenoid hypertrophy, 扁桃腺肥大, tonsillar hypertrophy, 發育不良, 生長遲緩, growth retardation, 哮吼, croup, 感冒, common cold, 上呼吸道感染, upper respiratory infection, 腸胃炎, acute gastroenteritis, 喉嚨痛, sore throat, 鼻塞, nasal obstruction, 流鼻水, clear rhinorrhea, 咳嗽, cough, 痰, sputum, 發燒, fever, 頭痛, headache, 肚子痛, abdominal pain, 拉肚子, diarrhea, 流感, influenza, , 全身無力, debility, 全身痠痛, general soreness, 鼻咽血管纖維瘤, angiofibroma, 喉頭軟化症, laryngomalacia, Langerhans細胞組織球增生症, cell histiocytosis, 囊狀水瘤, cystic hygroma, 隆鼻, augmentation rhinoplasty, 鼻整形, 眉心, glabella, 鼻山根, nasion, 鼻樑, dorsum, 鼻頭, nasal tip, 鼻柱, columella, 鼻翼, alar, 鼻基底, subnasale, 鼻唇溝, nasolabial groove, 矮鼻, low dorsum, 塌鼻, 短鼻, short nose, 朝天鼻, nostril show, 寬鼻, wide

    創作者 眩暈科吳志賢醫師 的頭像

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